Elevator Bras

I’m on an elevator. I look at the other passenger. I make eye contact and smile.

“Hi, I’m Indigo.”

I hand a business card to the person. The other passenger gives me an uncomfortable look, but reaches for the card.

I continue, “I’m a student at UNM and I have a project to photograph bras. I am seeking bra donations. Would you be willing to give me the bra you are wearing? Right now? Any type of support you could offer would be appreciated.”

The elevator stops. The door opens and the other passenger quickly exits. I look at what floor we are at, the third floor. I could swear they had punched the button for the ninth floor. Oh well.

I start my speech all over again as someone new climbs aboard.


I have a grant writing class this semester. One of the first assignments we had was to write an elevator speech. It could only be 30 to 40 seconds and had to mention our project and ask someone to donate to our cause.

I’m always looking for ideas and places to take pictures of the Girls. The Bras are always happy to get out of the bag in the trunk of the car. They like adventure. They love having their pictures taken. A photo op in an elevator sounded interesting.

I decided to take the picture in the UNM architecture building elevator. I thought it would be good to do it on a Saturday, when there are fewer people around. I got on at the first floor. The door closed and I quickly arranged some bras for a picture. I snapped a few. The door opened at the basement level. There was a group of 15 or so high school seniors, who were on campus for an orientation. They stood there. Mouths agape. I smiled and said, “Going up?” No one spoke. They just stared into the elevator. The door slid closed. I rearranged the bras and continued taking pictures.

I like this image of the lacy, white bra. First, it is a lot like me. Well, it is one of my bras and not one of the old, stretched out ones. I still wear it occasionally, but it also gets to go hang with the Sisterhood sometimes, too. Although it is white–and until I started this project two-years ago 95% of my bras were white–it is lacy and feminine… Second, I like that among all the buttons there is a HELP sign… sometimes I snap the Girls hanging on signs, you know? This time there is meaning. This photo is about giving an elevator speech. It is about asking people for help. If my project is going to continue. IF it can grow, I do need SUPPORT. I do need help. i really cannot do this alone.

About sisterhoodofthebras

I am a single mom and student at UNM.
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